saas•hapily blog

How to Report Company and Contact MRR with saas•hapily

Written by Jonathan Stevens | Mar 31, 2023 3:22:10 AM

Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) reports evaluate current income and predict expected revenue over a monthly basis. Using the data from an MRR report, companies quantify their financial growth to measure KPIs, sales forecasts, and determine overall budgets. With saas•hapily, you can easily create and view these reports on your HubSpot dashboard. This guide explains how to quickly set up MMR reporting by Company and Contact.

Note: saas•hapily Subscription Custom Objects vs Deals

The example below uses saas•hapily Subscription as a Custom Object. If your saas•hapily purchases come through as Deals, you will create the same reports using Deals as the “Primary data source” field instead.

Creating a Custom Report

Navigate through your HubSpot menu to select the “Reports” page. 

Click the “Create Report” button at the top right and choose the Custom Report Builder. 

Name your Report (i.e. “MMR by Company”) and select the Horizontal Line Graph icon in the “Configure” tab.

Report MRR by Company

Selecting the Data Sources

Click “Edit Data Sources” button on the top left of the Custom Report Builder.

On the “Edit Data Sources” screen, choose the drop-down for “saas•hapily Subscriptions” as the Primary Data Source. For the Secondary Data Source, choose the check box for “Companies”. 

This will allow you to use the Company data from your saas•hapily Subscription purchases. 

Click the Apply button. 

Setting the Filters

On the Custom Reports Builder, Select the “Filters” tab. This will allow you to define the filters for your MRR report. 

Search for “Subscription Status” on the left, then drag and drop it into to the Filters list. 

Next, click on the “Subscription Status” filter you just added to view it’s options. 

On the right options menu, select the “is equal to any of” option. Then, add the tags “active” and  “past_due” here. 

This ensures your report only shows active and past due subscriptions, removing all canceled or upgraded/downgraded subscriptions. 

Click the Apply button. 

Configuring the Report Chart

Now select the “Configure” tab next to the Filter tab. 

Search for “Sum (Amount)” on the left, and drag it into to the “X-axis” spot. 

Then, search for “Company Name” on the left and drag it into the “Y-axis” spot.

This will allow the report to show how much revenue was collected over time by each different Company in a chart.

Click the “Save Report” button. You can now add this report to your dashboard.

Report MRR by Contact

Data Sources and Filters

Follow the same steps to create a new Custom Report and name it (i.e. “MRR by Contact”). 

Then, on the “Edit Source Data” screen set the Primary data source as “saas•hapily Subscriptions” again.

Set the Secondary data source as “Contacts” (instead of Companies). 

The same filters used above for the Companies report will be applied here for Contacts. Follow the instructions to set up these filters for your Contacts report.

Configuring the Report Chart

Select the “Configure” tab.

Search for “Sum (Amount)” on the left, and drag it into to the “X-axis” spot. 

Then, search for “First name” on the left and drag it into the “Y-axis” spot. 

Note: “First Name” is a good default value, but you can choose any contact property for the Y-axis here that best suits your needs (such as email address, company, last name, etc).

This will allow the report to show how much revenue was collected over time by each different Contact in a chart.

Save this report and add it to your dashboard as well.

The Results

Regardless of Industry, detailed metrics are a key to business success. saas•hapily has allowed customers to easily see Monthly Recurring Revenue in addition to other custom reports from their dashboard at any time. This is just one of the abilities that makes saas•hapily stand out in comparison to other payment platforms.